陳真 | 2015.02.22 12:00 | #
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Kusturica 近日接受訪問時說:"Where west comes to spread democracy, disasters follow." 西方散播民主之處,災難將隨後而至。
Kusturica 和安哲羅普洛斯是至交好友,兩人都從不掩飾對於美帝侵略的強烈厭惡,經常對於當下的各種戰亂衝突發表反西方見解,特別是Kusturica。
Kusturica 應該是1954年出生,比他們兩人年紀都要小很多,但現在也差不多六十幾歲了,批評西方侵略戰火的力道卻反而越老越猛烈,引起不管是右派或左派的一致敵意,欲除之而後快,幾度有團體揚言要對他不利,並且真的付諸暴力行動。但 Kusturica 仍然持續大力發表反美言論,許多自命是什麼民主自由人士的混蛋,對他也非常感冒。如果哪天消息傳來說Kusturica 被暗殺,我不會感到意外。
Kusturica說,烏克蘭衝突是美國一手設計,這讓他回想起當年自己家鄉波斯尼亞的戰火。Kusturica 指控歐巴馬撒下漫天大謊,美國其實打從一開始就提供武器給烏克蘭,並以民主之名,刻意製造衝突,進而挑起大規模戰火。
Sputniknews 21.02.2015
Belgian weekly Le Vif spoke with Serbian filmmaker Emir Kusturica who said that the Ukrainian conflict was staged by the United States and it reminds him of the war in his native Bosnia.
On the occasion of the release of his new collection of short films, Emir Kusturica, a celebrated Serbian filmmaker internationally recognized for a number of acclaimed films, spoke with Belgian weekly Le Vif about the situation in Ukraine, which reminds him of the wars in the former Yugoslavia.
Obama's 'Big Lie': US Has Supplied Ukraine With Arms From the Start
Kusturica blamed the United States for not only breaking the promise given to Mikhail Gorbachev about not expanding NATO to Eastern Europe, but also for staging the conflict in Ukraine by helping to start demonstrations on the Maidan Square.
Kusturica said the beginning of the Ukrainian conflict was similar to the start of the Bosnian War, which started in Kusturica’s hometown of Sarajevo. In Kiev, demonstrations turned violent when snipers started shooting at the crowd. Initially, the government of Viktor Yanukovych was blamed for shooting at the crowd; however, soon the story became murky, after reports appeared that foreign mercenaries may have been hired to shoot at the crowd on the Maidan. Similar events took place in Bosnia: unknown snipers killed several protesters and everyone accused the Serbs, but in the end nobody really knew who had sent the snipers, Kusturica said.
Emir Kusturica: My Purpose Is to Make a Movie to Make You Warm
When asked whether he supports Russian President Vladimir Putin and his stance on Ukraine, Kusturica replied that the current situation in Ukraine is not about supporting Putin or being against him, but rather being against neo-Nazis at the forefront of the current government in Kiev. It is absolutely intolerable that neo-Nazis groups are closely associated with the Ukrainian government, said the filmmaker.
To conclude his interview, Kusturica said he has always been a strong advocate of multiculturalism, as the plurality of cultures brings different flavors to life. He said that after the destruction of Yugoslavia, a lot of its culture was lost. Culture has enormous power and it brings civilization, Kusturica said.
Kusturica 近日接受訪問時說:"Where west comes to spread democracy, disasters follow." 西方散播民主之處,災難將隨後而至。
Kusturica 和安哲羅普洛斯是至交好友,兩人都從不掩飾對於美帝侵略的強烈厭惡,經常對於當下的各種戰亂衝突發表反西方見解,特別是Kusturica。
Kusturica 應該是1954年出生,比他們兩人年紀都要小很多,但現在也差不多六十幾歲了,批評西方侵略戰火的力道卻反而越老越猛烈,引起不管是右派或左派的一致敵意,欲除之而後快,幾度有團體揚言要對他不利,並且真的付諸暴力行動。但 Kusturica 仍然持續大力發表反美言論,許多自命是什麼民主自由人士的混蛋,對他也非常感冒。如果哪天消息傳來說Kusturica 被暗殺,我不會感到意外。
Kusturica說,烏克蘭衝突是美國一手設計,這讓他回想起當年自己家鄉波斯尼亞的戰火。Kusturica 指控歐巴馬撒下漫天大謊,美國其實打從一開始就提供武器給烏克蘭,並以民主之名,刻意製造衝突,進而挑起大規模戰火。
Sputniknews 21.02.2015
Belgian weekly Le Vif spoke with Serbian filmmaker Emir Kusturica who said that the Ukrainian conflict was staged by the United States and it reminds him of the war in his native Bosnia.
On the occasion of the release of his new collection of short films, Emir Kusturica, a celebrated Serbian filmmaker internationally recognized for a number of acclaimed films, spoke with Belgian weekly Le Vif about the situation in Ukraine, which reminds him of the wars in the former Yugoslavia.
Obama's 'Big Lie': US Has Supplied Ukraine With Arms From the Start
Kusturica blamed the United States for not only breaking the promise given to Mikhail Gorbachev about not expanding NATO to Eastern Europe, but also for staging the conflict in Ukraine by helping to start demonstrations on the Maidan Square.
Kusturica said the beginning of the Ukrainian conflict was similar to the start of the Bosnian War, which started in Kusturica’s hometown of Sarajevo. In Kiev, demonstrations turned violent when snipers started shooting at the crowd. Initially, the government of Viktor Yanukovych was blamed for shooting at the crowd; however, soon the story became murky, after reports appeared that foreign mercenaries may have been hired to shoot at the crowd on the Maidan. Similar events took place in Bosnia: unknown snipers killed several protesters and everyone accused the Serbs, but in the end nobody really knew who had sent the snipers, Kusturica said.
Emir Kusturica: My Purpose Is to Make a Movie to Make You Warm
When asked whether he supports Russian President Vladimir Putin and his stance on Ukraine, Kusturica replied that the current situation in Ukraine is not about supporting Putin or being against him, but rather being against neo-Nazis at the forefront of the current government in Kiev. It is absolutely intolerable that neo-Nazis groups are closely associated with the Ukrainian government, said the filmmaker.
To conclude his interview, Kusturica said he has always been a strong advocate of multiculturalism, as the plurality of cultures brings different flavors to life. He said that after the destruction of Yugoslavia, a lot of its culture was lost. Culture has enormous power and it brings civilization, Kusturica said.